"The ideal thing would be to have our heart in our skull and our brain in our chest. That way, we would think with love and love with wisdom."

Sunday, April 20, 2014

I think love doesn't exist.

I don't believe in love. Love doesn't exist. Anyone who has studied just a bit of biology knows that. Love is a trick so that we can just let go ourselves. Love is created by our brains, by our limbic system (the limbic system makes us want to repeat something when we try it and enjoy it, for example chocolate. Another example would be sex), Love is a lie made for our specie to endure. It's a tale made to name somehow the intercourse between two individuals and whatever comes because of it. Don't be fools. When you think you love, you actually don't. You want to believe you do so that way you can have a romantic movie like life. But you'll only have children, mortgages, work, baby cries at night, really little sex, depression, extra weight. Just the opposite of what you're dreaming of now.

But maybe I'm saying all of this because I've had my heart broken too many times and I just want to stop living in a fairytale. Or maybe because I'm not meant to be a princess in any tale.

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